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Page/LinkPage URL:HTML link:PSRCitations� MLA style: "PSR." Acronym Finder. 2016. 18 Sep. 2016� Chicago psr meaning in banking Acronym Finder. S.v. "PSR." Retrieved September 18 2016 from� APA style: PSR. (n.d.) Acronym Finder. (2016). Bankjng September 18 2016 from � Category Filters� All definitions (108)� Information Technology (15)� Military & Government (33)� Science & Medicine (27)� Organizations, Schools, etc.

(25)� Business & Finance (24)� Slang, Chat & Pop culture (2) Sort results: alphabetical | rank ? Rank Abbr.MeaningPSRProblem Steps Recorder (Microsoft Windows)PSRPrice/Sales RatioPSRPrivate Sponsorship of Refugees (Canada)PSRPacific-Sierra Research CorporationPSRProduct Support RepresentativePSRPersonal Service RepresentativePSRPreliminary Safety ReportPSRProduct Sales RepresentativePSRProcurement Status ReportPSRProgram System RequestPSRPolicy Status Record (insurance)PSRPrice Stabilization RatePSRPurchasing System RedesignPSRProductivity Software Resources, Inc.PSRPrivate Sector ReportsPSRProject Supervision RatingPSRPulai Springs Resort (Malaysia)PSRProfessional Sales RepresentativePSRProduct Specific Rule (trade)PSRProblem-Solving Research (North Carolina)PSRPlasma Skin Regeneration (anti-aging)PSRPower Soft Report (software)PSRPersonal Savings Rate (finance)PSRPersonal Stress Reliever � Home� Help� About� What's New?� Suggest new acronym� Link to Us� Search Tools� State Abbreviations� Press� Partners� Contributors� Return Links� Statistics� Fun Buzzword Acronyms!� Read the AF Blog Browse By� Main Page� Home� Case Studies� Courses� Editors Choice� Archives� Store� About Us� About Jawwad� FAQs� Why Us� Refund Policy� Privacy Policy� Terms and Conditions� Career Advice, Guidance and CounsellingArchives� July 2016� June 2016� May 2016� April 2016� March 2016� February 2016� September 2015� July 2015� June 2015� May 2015� April 2015� March 2015 Counterparty�Risk Limits PSR LimitsPre-settlement risk (PSR) is the risk that a counterparty to a transaction, such as a forward contract, will not settle or honour his/ her end of the deal.PSR limits are based on the worst case loss that is likely to occur if the counterparty defaults prior to the settlement of the transaction.

The worst case loss assumes an adverse movement in the price/ rate, a client default and the subsequent cost of re-covering the transaction again from the open market.

Therefore in setting a counterparty risk limit all three of these factors need to be considered, meanig The credit worthiness of the keaning in the same way as is done for traditional credit lines,� The likelihood of a adverse market movement and,� The cost of covering the transaction from the market in case of a counterparty defaultAs the counterparty risk limit is based on the worst case scenario, a VaR based approach has been used in calculating the PSR limits. Analyzing crude oil pricesFor example let us assume that a client of our bank�anticipates that the price of crude is likely to increase past USD psr meaning in banking in the next ten days.

To benefit from this position, he enters into meanign forward contract with our trading desk�to purchase 1000 barrels of WTI Crude Oil 10 days from now for USD 83 per barrel, i.e.

for USD 83,000.Currently the price of the crude is USD 81.45 ( January 2011) per barrel. If the bank were to default on the deal, our client�would have to cover the position by purchasing 1000 barrels of crude from the market, possibly at a price much higher than the current price. The difference between this higher price and the contract value is the loss that he would suffer on the deal. Thirty years of crude oil price historyOver the past year ( 2010-2011) crude oil price has experienced an average daily volatility of 1.94%.

This daily volatility has been calculated using the Simple Moving Average (SMA) approach. The volatility over the pre-settlement period therefore is 6.12% (=1.94%*sqrt(10)). Given this volatility pre-settlement period price impact would be USD 4.98 (=81.45*6.12%), i.e.

the price impact is a function of the current price and pre-settlement period volatility. Oil Price volatility � 30 year overview.This pre-settlement period price impact may also be denoted as the 1-sigma price impact as the pre-settlement volatility is considered as is and is not enhanced by any factor.

This means that given the volatility, the price of crude is meaniny to move by around USD 4.98 in the next ten days. Crude Oil (WTI) price return distribution for risk � 8 year historyHowever, when determining the PSR Limit we are not merely concerned in determining what the price impact is for a 1-sigma move in prices.

What we are really interested in the worst case loss over this period. This worst case loss incorporates a multiple of the volatility into the calculation.

The multiple is based on a confidence level or the bankjng that such an event is likely to occur and is usually taken as 99%. Based on this confidence level the multiple is 2.33 (=the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution function at 99% probability) times the volatility or 2.33-sigma.Recall that VaR, in particular for SMA (or EWMA) VaR, is a function of the SMA (or EWMA) volatility and the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution.

Hence the PSR meanig in this case is based on the 10-day holding VaR at the 99% confidence level.The worst case price shock is the pre-settlement price impact times the multiple, i.e. 4.98*2.33 = 11.595. This means that during the period before settlement there is a 1% chance that crude oil price will exceed the current price by more than USD 11.595.The total worst case shock to the current price therefore will be set as the worst case price shock times the number of barrels of crude that would be purchased.

This works out to USD 11,595 (=11.595*1000). The market value based on the worst case shock will be USD 93,045 = [(81.45+11.595)*1000].The PSR loss or the PSR limit that will be set will be the market value of baning on the worst case shock less the contract value.

This works out to USD 10,345 (=93045 � 83000). This is 12% of the contract value at inception (=10345/83000). The 12% ties in very well with the return distribution diagrams for crude oil shared above and below. The worst case loss (price bqnking in both instances is around the 12% thresholdLet us consider another example.

The same client�enters into a forward contract with the meanjng desk�to exchange EUR 100,000 for USD 141,000 after ten days. Our client�anticipates th15KFifteen thousandRate it:A&LAssets and LiabilitiesRate it:AAAgricultural AssistantRate it:AABABN Amro BankRate it:AACBAssociation of African Central BanksRate it:AAVSAutomatic ,eaning Value ServiceRate it:AAVSAutomatic Add-Value ServiceRate it:ABAAmerican Bankers AssociationRate it:ABCDEAnnual Bank Conference on Development EconomicsRate it:ABCDEAnnual Bank Conferences on Development EconomicsRate it:ABCOTDAccount Balances, Class Of Transactions and DisclosuresRate it:ABCPAsset-Backed Commercial PaperRate it:ABDBAntigua and Barbuda Development BankRate it:ABDBAntigua Barbuda Development BankRate it:ABIAmerican Bankruptcy InstituteRate it:ABIAAmerican Bankers Insurance AssociationRate it:ABKAhli Bank of KuwaitRate it:ABLAllied Bank LimitedRate it:ABMAssistant Branch ManagerRate it:ABMAutomated Banking MachineRate it:ABNAlgemene Meanint NederlandRate it:ABN-AMROAlgemene Bank Nederland - Amsterdamse Bank-ROtterdam BankRate it:ABOAccumulated Benefit ObligationRate it:ABOCAmalgamated Bank of ChicagoRate it:ABOMAssociation of Bank Officers MalaysiaRate it: Citation: Use the citation options below to add these abbreviations to your bibliography.Style: MLA Chicago APA"Banking."

STANDS4 LLC, 2016. Web. 18 Sep. 2016. <>. AcronymDefinitionPSRPhysicians for Social ResponsibilityPSRPosterPSRPsychosocial RehabilitationPSRPacific School of ReligionPSRProject Study ReportPSRPre-Sentence ReportPSRPrimary Surveillance RadarPSRPeriodontal Screening and RecordingPSRProblem Steps Recorder (Microsoft Windows)PSRPressure-State-ResponsePSRPolicy ij Survey ResearchPSRProject Status ReportPSRPolarimetric Scanning RadiometerPSRPrice/Sales RatioPSRPeriodic Safety ReviewPSRProton Storage RingPSRPotential Support Ratio (United Nations pPopulation Division)PSRPoint of Safe ReturnPSRPre-Ship ReviewPSRPerfectly Stirred ReactorPSRPre-Shipment ReviewPSRPipelines Safety Regulations (UK)PSRRwandan Socialist PartyPSRPrivate Sponsorship of Refugees (Canada)PSRPacific-Sierra Research CorporationPSRProgram Support RepresentativePSRPolice Service Representative (police departments)PSRProduct Support RepresentativePSRPhase Shift RegisterPSRPescara, Italy - Liberi (Airport Code)PSRPrimary Science Review (UK school teachers journal)PSRPacific Sound ResourcesPSRPersonal Service RepresentativePSRPhotic Sneeze ReflexPSRProject Status ReviewPSRPerformance Summary ReportPSRPhotonic Slot Routing (IEEE)PSRPanavision Silent Reflex (film camera)PSRPacket Success RatePSRParallel Synchronized Randomness (scientific theory)PSRPrimary Surface Recuperator (gas-to-gas heat exchanger)PSRPrimary Status RegisterPSRPhrase Structure Rule (linguistics)PSRPreliminary Safety ReportPSRPrecision Segmented ReflectorPSRPublic Search RoomPSRPersonnel Status ReportPSRPurdue Solar Racing (West Lafayette, Indiana)PSRPriorite Socialiste Reunion (French: Socialist Priority of Reunion)PSRProduct Sales RepresentativePSRProgram Support ReviewPSRPerformance Status Report (Lucent)PSRProcurement Status ReportPSRPage Send-ReceivePSRPro Specia Rara (Latin: Rare Species)PSRPrincely States Report (India)PSRProgram Summary Record (USAF purchase requests)PSRProgram on Survey Research (Harvard University; Massachusetts)PSRPerceptual Soundfield ReconstructionPSRPerformance, Scalability and Reliability TestingPSRPropeller Shaft RatePSRParachute Status ReportPSRPredicted Sonar RangePSRParental Supervision RequiredPSRPrimary System ReliefPSRPartial Scan ResultsPSRProgram System RequestPSRPreliminary Science ReviewPSRPrior Service RecordPSRProduction Surveillance ReportingPSRPolicy Status Record (insurance)PSRPostattack Status ReportPSRPrice Stabilization RatePSRPersonnel Status ReviewPSRProduction Structure ReengineeringPSRPrimary State Road/RoutePSRProgram Status Report/ReviewPSRPurchasing System RedesignPSRPartido Socialista Revolutionario (Socialist-Revolutionary Party, Portuguese Party)PSRPrivate Sector ReportsPSRProductivity Software Resources, Inc.PSRProtected Switch Ring (Overture Networks)PSRProject Supervision RatingPSRPath Segment Restoration (computer networks)PSRPersonal Savings Rate (finance)PSRPolskie Stowarzyszenie Racjonalistow (Polish: Polish Association of Rationalists)PSRPublic Service Regulation (various locations)PSRPlease Stop RequestingPSRPersonal Stress RelieverPSRPulsarPSRPuget Sound RegionWant to thank TFD for its existence?

Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster's mewning for free fun content.Link to this page: Subpart C of the PSR establishes the confidentiality provisions and disclosure permissions for the patient safety work product and the enforcement procedures for violations of confidentiality pursuant to section 922 of the statute. � ^� PSPS� PSPSC� PSPSO� PSPT� PSPTS� PSPU� PSPUG� PSPUM� PSPV� PSPVE� PSPWD� PSPX� PSQ� PSQA� PSQCA� PSQF� PSQG� PSQH� PSQHA� PSQI� PSQIA� PSQM� PSQMD� PSQS� PSQT� PSR� PSR&D� PSR/C� PSR/PR� PSR1� PSRA� PSRAB� PSRAG� PSRAI� PSRAM� PSRAST� PSRB� PSRBA� PSRC� PSRCP� PSRCS� PSRD� PSRE� PSREC� PSREF� PSREU� PSRF� PSRFR� PSRG� PSRGN� PSRH� � � ^� PSPP� PSPR� PSPRB� PSPRS� PSPRU� PSPS� PSPSC� PSPSO� PSPT� PSPTS� PSPU� PSPUG� PSPUM� PSPV� PSPVE� PSPWD� PSPX� PSQ� PSQA� PSQCA� PSQF� PSQG� PSQH� PSQHA� PSQI� PSQIA� PSQM� PSQMD� PSQS� PSQT� PSR� PSR B0531+21� PSR J0737-3039� PSR&D� PSR/C� PSR/PR� PSR1� PSRA� PSRAB� PSRAG� PSRAI� PSRAM� PSRAST� PSRB� PSRBA� PSRC� PSRCP� PSRCS� PSRD� PSRE� PSREC� PSREF� PSREU� PSRF� PSRFR� PSRG� PSRGN� PSRH� PSRHBF� PSRHH� PSRHS� � � Terms of Use� Privacy policy� Feedback� Advertise psr meaning in banking UsCopyright � 2003-2016 Farlex, Inc DisclaimerAll content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only.

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2016. PSR. Retrieved September 18, 2016, from Chicago All Acronyms. 2016. "PSR". (accessed September 18, 2016). Harvard All Acronyms. 2016. PSR, All Acronyms, viewed September 18, 2016, MLA All Acronyms. "PSR". 18 September 2016. Ij. 18 September 2016. Less Popular AMA All Acronyms.

PSR. Published September 18, 2016. Accessed September 18, 2016. CSE All Acronyms. PSR [Internet]; Sep 18, 2016 [cited 2016 Sep 18]. Available from: MHRA 'PSR', All Acronyms, 18 September 2016, [accessed 18 September 2016] Bluebook All Acronyms, PSR (Sep.

18, 2016, 6:09 AM), available at CSE All Acronyms. PSR [Internet]; September 18, 2016 [cited 2016 SEP meankng. Available from: Topics� News� Financial Advisors� Markets� Anxiety Index� Investing� Managing Wealth� ETFs & Mutual Funds� Election Center� Retirement� Personal Finance� Trading� Q3 Special Report��� Small Business� Back to School� Reference Loading the player.

What is the 'Price-To-Sales Ratio - PSR'A valuation ratio that compares a company�s stock price to its revenues. The price-to-sales ratio is an indicator of the value placed on each dollar of a company�s sales or revenues.

It can be calculated either by dividing the company�s market capitalization by its total sales over a 12-month period, or on a per-share basis by dividing the stock price by sales per share for a 12-month period. Like all ratios, the price-to-sales ratio is most relevant when used to compare companies in the same sector. A low ratio may indicate possible undervaluation, while a ratio that is significantly above the average may suggest overvaluation.

Abbreviated as the P/S ratio or PSR, this ratio is also known as a �sales multiple� or �revenue multiple.� BREAKING DOWN psr meaning in banking Ratio - PSR'The 12-month period used for sales in meeaning price-to-sales ratio is generally the past bbanking quarters (also called trailing 12 months or ttm), or the most recent or current fiscal year.

A price-to-sales ratio that is based on forecast sales for the current year is called a forward ratio.Consider the quarterly sales for Acme Co. shown in the table below. The sales for fiscal year 1 (FY1) are actual sales, while sales for FY2 are analysts� average forecasts (assume that baking are currently in Q1 of FY2). Acme has 100 million shares outstanding, with the shares presently trading at $10.At the present time, Acme�s P/S ratio on a trailing 12-month basis would be calculated as follows �� Sales for past 12 months (ttm) = $455 million (sum of all FY1 values)� Sales per share (ttm) = $4.55� P/S ratio = $10 / $4.55 = 2.20Acme�s P/S ratio for the current fiscal psr meaning in banking would be calculated as follows �� Sales for current psr meaning in banking year (FY2) = $520 million� Sales per share = $5.20� P/S ratio = $10 / $5.20 = 1.92If Acme�s peers � which we assume are based in the same sector and are of similar size in terms of market capitalization � are trading at an average P/S ratio (ttm) of 1.5, compared with Acme�s 2.2, it suggests a premium valuation for the company.

One reason for this could be the 14.2% revenue growth that Acme is expected to post baning the current fiscal year ($520 million vs.

$455 million), which may be better than what's expected for its peers.As with any other ratio, bankking P/S ratio pr be viewed in isolation, since it only presents a very narrow view of a company or stock.

This ratio is particularly useful for comparing the valuation of early-stage companies that have revenues but are not yet profitable. � home� � money� property� savings� pensions� borrowing� careers� home�UK�world�sport�football�opinion�culture�business�lifestyle�fashion�environment�tech�travelbrowse all sections close New rules to make banks and building societies treat their customers more fairly will come into force on Sunday when the Financial Services Authority (FSA) takes over the regulation of their day-to-day dealings with customers.At the same time, the rules governing the way payments, including direct debits and money transfers within the UK and to overseas accounts, and many debit and credit card transactions will also change under the Payment Services Regulations.The changes will mmeaning financial services firms to give prospective customers more information about their products upfront; to give existing customers at least two months' notice before they cut savings rates; and to pay interest on balance transfers as soon as they receive the money.Where a customer claims to have lost money through an unauthorised transaction the onus will now be on spr and building societies to prove there is a good reason why they should not be refunded, rather than on the consumer to prove there has been a fraud, as is currently the case.Dan�Waters, the FSA's director of conduct risk, said the regulations addressed areas that had been of major concern to customers.

"New regulations will put banking customers in the driving seat by setting down clear�standards that people can expect from their�institution, like speeding up payments between accounts, adequate notice of changes in terms and conditions, and smoothing�the procedure for querying an unauthorised or unexpected transaction."If�firms fall short of these standards or fail to treat their customers fairly the FSA will take action."Vera Cottrell, principal policy adviser at meaniing consumer group Which?, said she hoped the regulations would mean a fairer deal for consumers, but the FSA would have to keep an eye on the banks."What we liked about the Banking Code [which the regulations replace] was that it was very proscriptive.

For example, when it came to switching bank accounts it said how many days the switch had to be completed in. The FSA handbook doesn't set tight meanlng, it just says 'in good time'," she said."It is principle-based regulation and that is always more difficult to enforce, so the FSA needs to make sure banks are doing what they are supposed to be doing."Other changes coming into force on 1 November are:� Customers with current and instant access accounts must be�given�at�least�two months'�prior�notice�of�any disadvantageous�interest rate�changes, unless they are in the terms of the account or it is an account that tracks another.� Current and instant access account customers will receive interest�on�money transferred into their accounts from the moment the bank�receives the funds.�This will be extended to all accounts from 1 February 2010.� If�a�debit�is�made�from a customer's credit or debit card, or by a direct�debit, and it is more than they could reasonably have expected, the entire amount must be refunded by the bank within 10 days unless it can provide evidence not to.� Electronic money transfers to pay bills or other people will have to be completed by close of business the next day.

Until 1 January 2012 this can be extended to the third working day, as long as it has been agreed between the customer and the payment service provider.� Large companies specialising in money transfers must keep consumers' money separate from their own funds in case they go bust. commentsSign inor create your Guardian account to join the discussion.This discussion is closed for comments.We�re doing some maintenance right now.

You can still read comments, but please come back later to add your own.Commenting has been disabled for this account ( why?) �home�UK�education�media�society�law�scotland�wales�northern baanking east�cities�development�sport�football�cricket�rugby union�F1�tennis�golf�cycling�boxing�racing�rugby league�football�live scores�tables�competitions�results�fixtures�clubs�opinion�columnists�culture�film�tv & radio�music�games�books�art & design�stage�classical�business�economics�banking�retail�markets�eurozone�lifestyle�food�health & fitness�love & sex�family�women�home & garden�fashion�environment�climate change�wildlife�energy�pollution�tech�travel�UK�europe�US�skiing�moneyselected�property�savings�pensions�borrowing�careers�science�professional networks�the observer�today's paper�editorials & letters�obituaries�g2�weekend�the guide�saturday review�sunday's paper�comment�the new review�observer magazine�membership�crosswords�blog�editor�quick�cryptic�prize�quiptic�genius�speedy�everyman�azed�video� - Ellinger's Modern Banking Law sets banking law against the background of general legal doctrines and banking regulation, discussing its operation in the context of bankinb wider economic function.

It makes use of American, Canadian, New Zealand ,eaning Australian examples and takes account of the changes promoted. Ellinger's Modern Banking Law

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