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Instructions for daikin inverter u4 error

Instructions for daikin inverter u4 error

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You may have to registerbefore you can post: click the register link above to proceed. To start viewing Instructions for daikin inverter u4 error the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. It will be appreciated if any1 can help, i have two VRVs in the same area with 3 units on each system making 6 fan coils these all have seperate controls (wired) but one of which is the master control as the VRVs Instructons two pipe systems.

i keep getting a u4 fault on all the controls i have swapped the out door pcbs and they made no difference. Daikin tech have told me that there should be two master controls as there is two VRV condensers but if this is true why have the units ran for the last 4 years. i cant understand why both units daioin faulting with the same fault.

some suggestions on what to check would be good also this fault started with JA and E3 faults on all the controls but without any work they have turned into this u4 faultthanks I am used to the U4 fault being due to a loss of communication between indoor and outdoor units. Have you made sure that all indoor units are powered up and have a green LED flashing on their pcb's?

Even one of them losing power, or switched off at a local isolator, will stop the whole system. What is the model number?JA-Discharge side pressure sensorE3- High Instructikns switch activatedu4- Transmission error to outdoor, outdoor to outdoor transmission wiring F1, F2 disconnection, short circuit orwrong wiring?? Outdoor unit power supply is OFF?? System address doesn?t match?? Defect of indoor unit PC board?? Defect of outdoor unit PC board I have checked all the above the indoors are running in fan only but the outdoor just never kicks in.

Dont really understand the wiring on the indoors the control (master) is wired to the unit but not daisy chained to the other 5 units but the interconnecting is (f1-f2) even tho there is two out doors. Check communication cables from outdoor to indoor units also check condenser fans.

Could also be an indoor PCB failure or the new outdoor PCBs need to be reprogrammed to match system. Daikin can help with this. I have checked all the above the indoors are running in fan only but the outdoor just never kicks in. Dont really understand the wiring on the indoors the control (master) is wired to the unit but not daisy chained to the other 5 units but the interconnecting is (f1-f2) even tho there is two out doors. What is the model number of the outdoor?

Have you downloaded the service manual?The service manual will give you a chart to follow to fix the problem. Did You only change compressors on them or did You change PCB aswell? Try to just put them in test from the outdoor unit.Are outdoor units pipe connected? If so than You have multi VRV system and it's normal that You have one master controller. Outdoor units schould be connected with Q1-Q2 and indoor units cabling schould be connected to F1-F2 in outdoor unit first on pipework from indoor units. TBh ive had this on systems before, i start with a full system reset and leave it 30 mins, more often then not itll come right.

The daikin VRVs seem to be very sensertive and throw up fault codes for no real reason. i would say 70% of the time a reset sorts out comms errors! I have checked all the above the indoors are running in fan only but the outdoor just never kicks in. Dont really understand the wiring on the indoors the control (master) is wired to the unit but not daisy chained to the other 5 units but the interconnecting is (f1-f2) even tho there is two out doors.In Fan Only, there will not be a call for the outdoor unit to run.A U4 fault indicates that communication is lost between the indoor and outdoor pcb's.

This could be caused by a number of different things, not least interference on the transmission wiring. Failed PCB's can be another cause. Hi.can i know what to do? Daikin vrv2, model # RX10MY1, compressor #2 is grounded then i disconected the compressor terminal wire.

Now i wan to run # 1 comressor only for test the control.but unit cnnot start. 1 no fcu sowing alarm cod u4 & ather fcu sowing j3. Thanks. In Fan Only, there will not be a call for the outdoor unit to run.A U4 fault indicates that communication is lost between the indoor and outdoor pcb's.

This could be caused by a number of different things, not least interference on the transmission wiring. Failed PCB's can be another cause.Frank - I am hoping you are still around as I have just encountered a similar problem to the OP. I have had a power outage to the main plant room where all the outdoor units sit. This then caused a U4 failure across Inetructions board for these systems, which are now running on fan mode only.We have re-set the outdoor units a few times and all the LED's are lit up, so it does not Instrucitons like an outdoor PCB failure.Any suggestions? Use logic in your fault finding.When you have multiple systemsPlease enter an error code to begin.Disclaimers: The information regarding error codes and possible corrective measures provided hereafter is intended to be used as a guideline only.The diagnosis provided herein may be incomplete and therefore should not be relied upon as being completely accurate.

Further information can be found at the respective service manual for each system. You are advised to contact your local Daikin supplier for further assistance.There are no warranties expressed or implied by use of this diagnostic tool. NO OTHER WARRANTIES ARE MADE BY Daikin AC (Americas), Inc.

THROUGH THE USE Instructionx THIS DIAGNOSTIC TOOL. ALL Inferter OR INFORMATION PROVIDED HEREIN IS PROVIDED "AS IS."Daikin AC will have no liability to anyone for any Instructions for daikin inverter u4 error the following reasons: if modifications, repairs or service are made to the Product by unauthorized or unqualified persons; the Product is not installed, operated or maintained and serviced in compliance with the printed instructions and recommendations of Daikin AC; the Product is not installed, commissioned, operated and serviced in compliance with Daikin AC's recommended procedures and with applicable building, mechanical, plumbing and electrical codes and in accordance with best industry standards and practice.Daikin's Dr.

Daikin Diagnosis Tool is subject to continuous improvement. Daikin reserves the right to modify, update, and include additional information to this diagnostic tool without notice and without incurring any obligations. �If this is your first visit, be sure tocheck out the FAQ by clicking thelink above. You may have to registerbefore you can post: click the register link above to proceed. To start viewing messages,select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. Hi there.Does anyone out there have the fault codes for daikin unitsi daijin no problems so far but i have started to service alot of them lately and would like inevrter have the info if needed nothing worse than the customer asking what it means and you dont no.Thanks. hers someDAIKIN MALFUNCTION Instructions for daikin inverter u4 error of external protection deviceA1 Indoor PCB defectA3 Indoor Malfunction of drain Level control systemA5 Indoor Freeze-up preventionA6 Indoor Fan motor lock, OverloadA7 Indoor Malfunction of swing motor flapA9 Indoor Malfunction of EEVAF Indoor Drain level above limit (clogging)AJ Indoor Malfunction of capacity set deviceC3 Indoor Malfunction of drain thermistorC4 Indoor Malfunction of liquid pipe Instructoons of gas pipe thermistorC7 Indoor Lower louvre Instrucitons switch/motorC9 Indoor Malfunction of air thermistorCC Indoor Malfunction of moisture sensorCA Indoor Malfunction of discharge air thermistorCJ Indoor Malfunction of remote control thermistorCE Indoor Malfunction of radiant heat sensorE0 Outdoor Activation of outdoor safety deviceE1 Outdoor PCB defectE3 Outdoor Activation of high pressure switchE4 Outdoor Activation of low pressure switchE5 Outdoor Activation of compressor over heat protectionE5 Outdoor Compressor motor lockE6 Outdoor Compressor start up errorE6 Outdoor Standard compressor lock/overcurrentE7 Outdoor Fan motor lock, OverloadE8 Outdoor Inverter input overcurrentE9 Outdoor Malfunction of EEVEA Outdoor Four way valve defective.F3 Outdoor Abnormal discharge pipe temperatureF6 Outdoor Refrigerant overchargedFC Outdoor Low pressure drop.H3 Outdoor High pressure switch defectH4 Outdoor Low pressure switch defectH6 Outdoor Compressor motor position detection sensor errorH7 Outdoor Fan motor position detection sensor errorH8 Outdoor Current transformer errorH9 Outdoor Malfunction of air thermistorJ1 Outdoor Malfunction of pressure sensorJ2 Outdoor Current sensor malfunctionJ3 Outdoor Malfunction of discharge pipe thermistorJ4 Outdoor Low pressure saturation thermistorJ5 Outdoor Malfunction of suction pipe thermistorJ6 Outdoor Malfunction of heat exchanger thermistorJ7 Outdoor Malfunction of heat exchanger liquid thermistorJ8 Outdoor Malfunction of liquid pipe y4 of gas pipe thermistorJA Outdoor Malfunction of discharge pipe pressure sensorJC Outdoor Malfunction of suction pipe errror sensorJH Outdoor Malfunction of oil temperature sensorL0 Outdoor Malfunction of inverterL3 Outdoor Electronic component box overheatL4 Outdoor Inverter cooling defectL5 Outdoor Comp motor ground fault, Short circuitL6 Outdoor Compressor motor grounding/short circuitL7 Outdoor Total input overcurrentL8 Outdoor Comp overload, Motor disconnectedL9 Outdoor Compressor lockLA Outdoor Power unit malfunctionLC Outdoor Transmission between inverter & outdoorP1 Outdoor Inverter over rippleP3 Outdoor Thermistor abnormalityP4 Outdoor Power unit humidity sensor malfunctionPJ Outdoor Failure of capacity set resistorU0 System Shortage of refrigerant or EEV failureU1 System Negative phase, Open phaseU2 System Power supply insufficientU3 System Wiring check operation not executedU3 System Mismatch of indoor and outdoor units (Split only)U4 System Transmission between indoor unitsU5 System Transmission to remote controllerU6 System Malfunction transmission outdoor to BP unitU7 System Transmission between outdoor unitsU7 Outdoor Malfunction between outdoor boards(RMX/RX RK)U8 System Transmission between master & slave R/CU9 System Transmission error between indoor to outdoorUA System Excessive number of fancoilsUC System Address duplication of central controllersUE System Transmission error between indoor & centralUF System Refrigeration system not set/wiring - pipingUF System Terminals 1 and 3 crossed (Split/Skyair)UH System System error, Refrigeration system set upM1 System PCB defectM8 System Transmission error between central controllersMA System Improper combination of optional controllersMC System Address duplication, Improper setting64 VAM Indoor unit air thermistor error65 VAM Outside air thermistor error68 VAM6A VAM Damper system alarm6A VAM Damper system and thermistor error6F VAM Malfunction of remote controller6H VAM Malfunction of door switch or connector94 VAM Internal transmission errorGrey fault codes, system still runs, but check ASAPcheersrichard i need some help about Daikin Split unit.I had replace a PCB on the outdoor unit with the same setting which were on the old one ( visual).After starting i got a fault "PJ" ( PJ Outdoor Failure of capacity set resistor ).Can someone tell me how to solve that problem.Thanks in advance.Last edited by kipetkov; 03-07-2007 at 05:24 PM. i need

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